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What we do

Precious Present Truth, Inc. (PPT) is a non-profit organization of Seventh-day Adventist lay evangelists committed to sharing the Three Angels’ Messages with Africans. We are preaching the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 14 to Africans in their native languages via media, literature, and on the ground evangelistic series


Precious Present Truth Inc. follows the ministry of Christ. While Christ on earth helped the needy, in the same spirit, Precious Present Truth Ministry, started helping stunted (chronically malnourished) children in Rwanda. We provide three meals everyday (breakfast, lunch and dinner) to Mal-nourished children, and at the same time we preach the advent message every morning as they bring children to us.

Ellen Gould White's Book

Ellen Gould White was an American author and co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Along with other Adventist leaders such as Joseph Bates and her husband James White, she was instrumental within a small group of early Adventists who formed what became known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
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Les Predications des Prédicateurs Internationaux Traduits en Six Langues Africaines

Pastor Ted NC Wilson

Pastor Ted NC Wilson

1 serie | 2 episodes
Walter J. Veith

Walter J. Veith

4 series | 200 episodes
Pasteur IVOR Myers

Pasteur IVOR Myers

1 serie | 12 episodes
David Asscherick

David Asscherick

1 serie | 12 episodes

Les Prédicateurs Internationaux

Pastor Emmanuel Baek

Pastor Emmanuel Baek

1 serie | 2 episodes
Alain Coralie

Alain Coralie

4 series | 200 episodes
Jean Paul Lagarde

Jean Paul Lagarde

1 serie | 12 episodes
Jason Morgan

Jason Morgan

1 serie | 2 episodes
Mark Finley

Mark Finley

1 serie | 2 episodes

Les Prédicateurs Locaux

Pasteur  Grégoire Mbaya

Pasteur Grégoire Mbaya

1 serie | 2 episodes
Pasteur George Ntumba

Pasteur George Ntumba

4 series | 200 episodes
Madam Florence

Madam Florence

1 serie | 12 episodes
Nzaramba Emmanuel

Nzaramba Emmanuel

1 serie | 12 episodes
Evangeliste ONGASA

Evangeliste ONGASA

1 serie | 2 episodes

Contact Us (DRC):

Centre de diffusion de la Chaine PPT TV:

Goma: Rond Point Tshukudu, Boulevard Kanyamuhanga – Commune de Goma

Watch Our Broadcast on:

Kinyarwanda: TV1 (Canal + 383) via (Canal + 386)
Every Saturday 3-4pm (Kigali Time)
Every Sunday 2-3pm (Kigali Time)

Contact Us (Rwanda):

