About Us
Who we are
Precious Present Truth, Inc. (PPT) is a non-profit organization of Seventh-day Adventist lay evangelists committed to sharing the Three Angels’ Messages with Africans. We are preaching the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 14 to Africans in their native languages via media, literature, and on ground evangelistic series. We believe and support the Mission of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist and its initiative of Total Member Involvement (TMI) and I Will Go. In Kinshasa, PPT Ministry in collaboration with the local Conference, hosted 2 evangelistic series by seasoned international evangelists. God blessed our efforts with more than 360 baptisms.

Our Mission
Share Biblical truths and healing with Africans in their native language(s).
Our Motto
May the Three Angels’ Messages encompass the whole world so that we can go home soon
PPT transmits Biblical truth to individuals around the world, those who only understand African languages, through TV broadcasting, radio, our website, the App and social media.
Our programs are broadcasted on televisions and radios in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and we are hoping to have our own TV station to reach the whole continent of Africa.

Our evangelistic ministry to Africans is growing. We are providing resources in six languages: Kinyarwanda, French, English, Swahili, Lingala and Tshiluba and we hope that many people on the continent of Africa will give their lives to Jesus through the means we are using.
Total population currently served by PPT in their own languages is more than 283.61 million.
Precious Present Truth Inc. follows the ministry of Christ. While Christ on earth helped the needy, in the same spirit, Precious Present Truth Ministry, started helping stunted (chronically malnourished) children in Rwanda. We provide three meals everyday (breakfast, lunch and dinner) to Mal-nourished children, and at the same time we preach the advent message every morning as they bring children to us.

PPT working area map
By our own TV station which will use Canal Plus we plan to reach the whole French speaking countries in Africa. By now we are using Literature for Kiswahili speaking countries.
PPT uses its own recording studio in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to interpret, with sound-over audio, previously recorded video content by:
- Professor Walter J. Veith
- Ivor Myers
- Doug Batchelor
- President Ted C. Wilson
- David Asscherick
- And many preachers who love to share the Three Angels’ Messages
These videos are available in Kinyarwanda, French, Swahili, Lingala and Tshiluba. PPT shares these messages by leasing hours from private TV stations where we broadcast the message in countries where they speak the languages in which the message has been translated into and we also make these messages available on our YouTube channel and other social media. Currently our YouTube channels have more than 3,000,000 views every month.
In collaboration with the West Congo Union, we have translated books from French to Lingala, Tshiluba and printed for distribution the following:
- Truth Matters by Professor Walter J. Veith
- The Blueprint by Ivor Myers
- Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White
- Patriarchs and Prophets by Ellen G. White
- Prophets and Kings by Ellen G. White
- Acts of the Apostles by Ellen G. White
In Kiswahili we are translating 9 volumes of Testimony to the Church, and the printing is coming soon.
Many other books by Ellen G. White in Lingala, Kiswahili and Tshiluba languages are ongoing. We collaborate with local African Conferences to distribute these through local colporteurs.
PPT has partnered with local preachers across Africa to record timely messages and broadcast via private TV stations across Africa. As a result, thousands are being baptized and join Adventist Churches, especially in West Congo Union located in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
PPT has recorded and continues making audio books by Ellen G. White in Kinyarwanda, Swahili, Lingala and Tshiluba and some of the recorded books are:
. Patriarchs and Prophets
. Prophets and Kings
. Desire of Ages
. Acts of the Apostles
. Great Controversy
. Education
. Last Day Events
. Councils on Diet
. Ministry of Healing and many more.
Our weekly Sabbath School Lessons discussion in French we are encouraging to study the Bible.
PPT has YouTube channels for each language with around 3,000,000 viewers every month
PPT has developed an Application called “Precious Present Truth” which you can download for free on the Google Play Store. In this app, you get access to the audio of the Bible, audiobooks of Ellen G. White’s writings, and many sermons, in six languages.
We are planning to invite good Adventist preachers around the world to come and preach in Africa, and at the same time our media team will be recording these messages to be broadcasted on TV stations and on our social media.
God has blessed us in this work by leading so many souls to Him, we have no doubt whatsoever that He will accomplish more than we ever thought.